Romanian Traditional Witchcraft


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We are very happy to announce you that the NEW BOOK is available now, signed by the authors!!! 

From the ancient and venerable ages of the old world, worn before the modern age, Andreas Bathory and William Allan bring to you a passage into a time and a tradition that has been passed through the generations. Only from ear-to-ear, and in trusted circles and families were the ancient ways carried down since before the footprints of the west, wore their prints in the soils of Romania. In these pages is a spirit, and a principle of magick told, that yearns for expression in a world of modern ripe descent. As you read, so shall you understand, of the old ways, of our land and people. 

This book and work is © Copyright by the National Library of Romania.

Purchasing this book here, you will receive a complete 227 pages, and signed in the hands of the authors.